I want to know why my husband is refusing to make love to me. ,Why my husband don't hold me anymore, he keep tell me it old age
Hello Tammy,
Because you mentioned age... my first thought was hormones. unfortunately, main stream medicine does not seem to address nor treat the role of hormones in our bodies. I would encourage you to seek a hormone specialist who does compounding. As we age, its common for our hormones to become depleted, which will cause our libido to become a historic icon! lol. The other strong possibility could be a shutting down from lack of emotional connection, boredom or both. Schedule a clarity call, and lets explore this further.
He is going through his personal troubles and asked for space. Asking me to wait until he gets through it but there's no conversation or quality time. It's hard to be understanding when someone is keeping you in the dark and pushing you away. Is it okay to move on? Eventually I have to think about my happiness right?
Your biggest challenge is NO REGRETS....Its true, we humans don't wait around very well without some type of emotional connection to keep us in the game. Ask him for specifically what you need to wait and explore whether he is in a place to full-fill your requests or not. (this is not a threat, it needs to be a sincere ask) and then ask yourself two important questions...1. Do you "want" this relationship personally, just because you want it? and 2. Do you have it to give without falling apart yourself? Remember, the relationship with yourself is a lifetime contract.
I’ve left and he has left ! But we always end up together after 40 years.
Hi Lori,
After 40 years, its obvious the two of you are great comforts for each other when life get's tough. May I ask, what has caused your breakups? With a long history like this, there is much to understand from your relationship patterns.
What if they left and moved in with someone else 2 days later after 4 years
I am so sorry for the pain this must be causing you. its ok to through a fit about it, scream, cry...and then you must get back to living a life for yourself again. Make this a practice everyday if you need to. I know first hand how getting back to life after a breakup can be a challenge! If you need help and support with this, let's spend some time together. Remember, its ok for you to pursue happiness. You deserve it simply because your among the living!
My husband left me last year we got back together and now he's leaving again he's been talking to the same girl, he's moving her in I have to be out this weekend. Help we have been together 7 years married 5 years on the 21st of this month. I am so lost, our 3 year old sees me crying and ask if I'm okay 💔ðŸ˜
My wife and I have been seperated for 7 months she filed for divorce. She says I left she kicked me out that's why she wants a divorce. I don't want nobody but her she is the one I'm supposed to die with she won't even talk to me
How can he come back if he already with someone now
How will it work if she has already found someone? I have tried talking to her but all she is thinking about is getting with him again
I became depressed in 2020 after moving and breaking my leg. I turned to alcohol to deal with it and became a drunk for a year and a half. I have bee. Sober for the last 3 months but my wife has said she wants a divorce because she feels like she can't count on me. Please I don't want to loss her and need to show her I'm the man she fell in love with.
How would you go about getting wife back even though she has moved on to someone else. Just to let you know. She wants a different lifestyle that I just can't give her
with all the love and respect I have to give...the truth is we can not force another human being to love us. doing so is manipulation, and manipulation is the destroyer of love. I encourage you to let go (I know its hard) but in doing so, you free yourself to pursue love from someone who can appreciate you for who and where you are currently. This will be life giving to you, instead of emotional breakdown. Reach for love...I promise it is there for you.
I was in a toxic relationship fir 3 years. Broke up with him 5 months ago. Now he had changed and wants to marry me. I know now he loves me but started dated someone else I care for now who also says he loves me. I am jealous of both men when they look at other women and walked away from both of them fir this same reason. Hurting nit sure what to do
Your in a great place to learn and grow. Stepping away from both men is a good...(and might I add courageous!) I applaud you for choosing yourself first. From here, develop the ability to feel good in your own skin, while understanding how relationships truly work. Its time to get better at this thing we call love.
Just need those answers!
Sharon...I want you to know we have lots of answers...we just need to understand which questions your struggling to answer. How about you schedule a free clarity call so you can ask your questions, and finally get the answers your looking for?
I want to know why my husband is refusing to make love to me. ,Why my husband don't hold me anymore, he keep tell me it old age
Hello Tammy, Because you mentioned age... my first thought was hormones. unfortunately, main stream medicine does not seem to address nor treat the role of hormones in our bodies. I would encourage you to seek a hormone specialist who does compounding. As we age, its common for our hormones to become depleted, which will cause our libido to become a historic icon! lol. The other strong possibility could be a shutting down from lack of emotional connection, boredom or both. Schedule a clarity call, and lets explore this further.
He is going through his personal troubles and asked for space. Asking me to wait until he gets through it but there's no conversation or quality time. It's hard to be understanding when someone is keeping you in the dark and pushing you away. Is it okay to move on? Eventually I have to think about my happiness right?
Jovan, Your biggest challenge is NO REGRETS....Its true, we humans don't wait around very well without some type of emotional connection to keep us in the game. Ask him for specifically what you need to wait and explore whether he is in a place to full-fill your requests or not. (this is not a threat, it needs to be a sincere ask) and then ask yourself two important questions...1. Do you "want" this relationship personally, just because you want it? and 2. Do you have it to give without falling apart yourself? Remember, the relationship with yourself is a lifetime contract.
I’ve left and he has left ! But we always end up together after 40 years.
Hi Lori, After 40 years, its obvious the two of you are great comforts for each other when life get's tough. May I ask, what has caused your breakups? With a long history like this, there is much to understand from your relationship patterns.
What if they left and moved in with someone else 2 days later after 4 years
PK, I am so sorry for the pain this must be causing you. its ok to through a fit about it, scream, cry...and then you must get back to living a life for yourself again. Make this a practice everyday if you need to. I know first hand how getting back to life after a breakup can be a challenge! If you need help and support with this, let's spend some time together. Remember, its ok for you to pursue happiness. You deserve it simply because your among the living!
My husband left me last year we got back together and now he's leaving again he's been talking to the same girl, he's moving her in I have to be out this weekend. Help we have been together 7 years married 5 years on the 21st of this month. I am so lost, our 3 year old sees me crying and ask if I'm okay 💔ðŸ˜
My wife and I have been seperated for 7 months she filed for divorce. She says I left she kicked me out that's why she wants a divorce. I don't want nobody but her she is the one I'm supposed to die with she won't even talk to me
How can he come back if he already with someone now
How will it work if she has already found someone? I have tried talking to her but all she is thinking about is getting with him again
I became depressed in 2020 after moving and breaking my leg. I turned to alcohol to deal with it and became a drunk for a year and a half. I have bee. Sober for the last 3 months but my wife has said she wants a divorce because she feels like she can't count on me. Please I don't want to loss her and need to show her I'm the man she fell in love with.
How would you go about getting wife back even though she has moved on to someone else. Just to let you know. She wants a different lifestyle that I just can't give her
James, with all the love and respect I have to give...the truth is we can not force another human being to love us. doing so is manipulation, and manipulation is the destroyer of love. I encourage you to let go (I know its hard) but in doing so, you free yourself to pursue love from someone who can appreciate you for who and where you are currently. This will be life giving to you, instead of emotional breakdown. Reach for love...I promise it is there for you.
I was in a toxic relationship fir 3 years. Broke up with him 5 months ago. Now he had changed and wants to marry me. I know now he loves me but started dated someone else I care for now who also says he loves me. I am jealous of both men when they look at other women and walked away from both of them fir this same reason. Hurting nit sure what to do
Beverly, Your in a great place to learn and grow. Stepping away from both men is a good...(and might I add courageous!) I applaud you for choosing yourself first. From here, develop the ability to feel good in your own skin, while understanding how relationships truly work. Its time to get better at this thing we call love.
Just need those answers!
Sharon...I want you to know we have lots of answers...we just need to understand which questions your struggling to answer. How about you schedule a free clarity call so you can ask your questions, and finally get the answers your looking for?