What is it called when my wife turns my words into negativity and tells me my words need to make sense to her. She hears her own words when I speak.
10 yrs and now he looks at me like the bad guy
When we feel emotional pain in our relationships, we also create a narrative to explain our experience, and come up with an answer as to "WHY" i believe its happened. I call this human experience an "Internal Movie." Simply put, its what we make up is true about what has happened. and In our "Internal Movies" its easier for us to come up with a story to blame someone, than it is to take responsibility for ourselves.
Have a new relationship but I try to take control and pushed him away
Hi Jennifer,
This tells me you have some fear and insecurity coming up for you. How about we explore ways to help you manage it better?
me and my husband have been together 15 yrs and he’s been working and disappearing quite a bit lately we have 3 children and he’s the love of my life when he gets home he acts like nothing is wrong but my gut tells me otherwise what can i do
Hi Crystal,
I recommend you Schedule a clarity call so we can unpack this.
More communication
Improving communication is always sighted when couples are suffering. but its not your biggest problem. Here is the truth...I have communication frameworks I could give you, but until you know how relationships really work, and gain the ability to emotionally regulate you wont use them. you will do what do currently do when your emotions flash. So when we say more communication please....what we are really saying is-"more emotional safety to share please". As humans...if it dosent feel safe to us...We are not talking!
I feel like my fiances family is ripping us apart
Hi Tara,
Schedule a session with me, and let's get you and your fiance working together as a team. You will then have what you need to manage the family.
After 25 years of marriage the last 2 years she falls out of love, I didn't know till very last sec. An she wanted space an time to think but had a man she worked with who she had feelings for around her an vent our marriage an home problems to. She had him with her day an night an decided in her time of space had moved me out wanted a relationship with this man...now she says she happy an he good to her an he does everything good for her, but he quick to tell me she don't need me or want me an to quit calling an messages her an then how he so great an protective an defensive when she upset by me for no reason... To point he would read her message an delete the love messages I would send her...there is more to this story
Michael, I bet there is much more to your story...however, with great love and respect, best I can tell your wife is gone, and its time for you to learn and grow from this so you can let it go. if you need help and support with this, my team and I are here for you.
My boyfriend is not a very touchy intimate person we argue quite a bit over that
I would recommend that instead of fighting about this, you attempt to understand what the resistance is. What are the beliefs around sex and intimacy? There is much to discover here.
What is it called when my wife turns my words into negativity and tells me my words need to make sense to her. She hears her own words when I speak.
10 yrs and now he looks at me like the bad guy
Danielle, When we feel emotional pain in our relationships, we also create a narrative to explain our experience, and come up with an answer as to "WHY" i believe its happened. I call this human experience an "Internal Movie." Simply put, its what we make up is true about what has happened. and In our "Internal Movies" its easier for us to come up with a story to blame someone, than it is to take responsibility for ourselves.
Have a new relationship but I try to take control and pushed him away
Hi Jennifer, This tells me you have some fear and insecurity coming up for you. How about we explore ways to help you manage it better?
me and my husband have been together 15 yrs and he’s been working and disappearing quite a bit lately we have 3 children and he’s the love of my life when he gets home he acts like nothing is wrong but my gut tells me otherwise what can i do
Hi Crystal, I recommend you Schedule a clarity call so we can unpack this. https://stacibartley.com/apply
More communication
Angelica, Improving communication is always sighted when couples are suffering. but its not your biggest problem. Here is the truth...I have communication frameworks I could give you, but until you know how relationships really work, and gain the ability to emotionally regulate you wont use them. you will do what do currently do when your emotions flash. So when we say more communication please....what we are really saying is-"more emotional safety to share please". As humans...if it dosent feel safe to us...We are not talking!
I feel like my fiances family is ripping us apart
Hi Tara, Schedule a session with me, and let's get you and your fiance working together as a team. You will then have what you need to manage the family.
After 25 years of marriage the last 2 years she falls out of love, I didn't know till very last sec. An she wanted space an time to think but had a man she worked with who she had feelings for around her an vent our marriage an home problems to. She had him with her day an night an decided in her time of space had moved me out wanted a relationship with this man...now she says she happy an he good to her an he does everything good for her, but he quick to tell me she don't need me or want me an to quit calling an messages her an then how he so great an protective an defensive when she upset by me for no reason... To point he would read her message an delete the love messages I would send her...there is more to this story
Michael, I bet there is much more to your story...however, with great love and respect, best I can tell your wife is gone, and its time for you to learn and grow from this so you can let it go. if you need help and support with this, my team and I are here for you.
My boyfriend is not a very touchy intimate person we argue quite a bit over that
Carolyn, I would recommend that instead of fighting about this, you attempt to understand what the resistance is. What are the beliefs around sex and intimacy? There is much to discover here.