The Five Things You Must Know To Create A Lifetime Of Love

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  1. 10 yrs and now he looks at me like the bad guy

  2. Have a new relationship but I try to take control and pushed him away

  3. me and my husband have been together 15 yrs and he’s been working and disappearing quite a bit lately we have 3 children and he’s the love of my life when he gets home he acts like nothing is wrong but my gut tells me otherwise what can i do

  4. More communication

  5. I feel like my fiances family is ripping us apart

  6. After 25 years of marriage the last 2 years she falls out of love, I didn't know till very last sec. An she wanted space an time to think but had a man she worked with who she had feelings for around her an vent our marriage an home problems to. She had him with her day an night an decided in her time of space had moved me out wanted a relationship with this she says she happy an he good to her an he does everything good for her, but he quick to tell me she don't need me or want me an to quit calling an messages her an then how he so great an protective an defensive when she upset by me for no reason... To point he would read her message an delete the love messages I would send her...there is more to this story

  7. My boyfriend is not a very touchy intimate person we argue quite a bit over that

  8. I feel like my boyfriend is losing interest ín me how do i turn this around

  9. My wife and I are divorced because I tried to save our marriage alone and did not have deep enough pockets to finish things and she was not on board with it. She is still not on board with it being saved and now we are divorced. I was and am committed to fixing the relationship but when the other party won't come around to it there is no way to fix it.

  10. We used to be best friends and we have been dating for 7 years and we have been dealing with so many things. We have been unable to express our feelings to each other anymore.

    1. Nyomi, Schedule a Clarity Call as soon as you can, and let's explore whats possible. Don't wait! The longer you wait, the less likely you are to experience the closeness you felt in the beginning.

  11. My husband left, like really left like while I was sleeping hauled ass on me just when we were supposed to be picking up the peices again. Our marriage and our relationship has not been perfect and the last seven years have been really really hard on us internally and externally. Communication is gone trust is gone pain is full and overflowing. He is the love of my life but I also can't stand being around him most of the time. It seems like he only sees his feelings and yet claims I am guilty of the same . Our relationship crossed that line that no relationship should ever cross abuse, physical mental and emotional abuse, lies betrayal, and it has gone on for soooo long now it seems like all the good is now gone and all we ever see is bad and hurt, like we are always stuck in our worst moments our biggest regrets and it just keeps turning into fights and blameing and one uping, he feels like his feelings are ignored I feel the same but the way he left how he pulled me into a flash security to me only to force me to live my greatest fear. When is it so gone that it shouldn't be fixed?

    1. Crystal, I so appreciate your honesty. There are 3 questions I invite you to ask yourself: 1. Do I want this relationship, just because I want it? no other agenda like money, kids, etc. 2. I am willing to let the past go? (sometimes there has been so much pain from betrayal, I run out of desire/emotional gas!) 3. Am I willing to take responsibility for my part, and learn new skills? If you AND your special someone can answer yes to all three questions anything is possible.

  12. I want to stop fighting how do I share my feelings with out it seeming like im attacking her

    1. Hi Jessica, Here is a cheat sheet for fighting that will help you get started with ending the fighting, as well as provide you with the ability to say what you need to say. Get your copy here:

  13. I would like to know how to communicate with my wife

  14. My girlfriend and I got into a huge argument the night of Oct 7th, she left home and has been staying at her friends house since that not, I have been apologizing to her and to please come home, but she keeps saying she's done, I don't know what to do... I don't want to lose her and I love her, but I feel like I have already lost...

    1. Dustin, Unfortunately, we mere mortals can't force someone we love to be in relationship with us. I know this sucks! When someone says some version of I am done...or I just can do this anymore I want you to know they are not saying they don't love you...they are saying, I have run out of emotional gas, and must take care of myself now. I dont know what the future holds for the two of you, however I do know that if you beg, plead, will push her further away. Instead I encourage you to yes, let her know you you care about her..but then give her some space. You take that time to reflect and understand for yourself what worked in your relationship with her, and what didn't. There are always hidden jems you can use to improve your personal experience in relationships overall. If you need support with this...please reach out to me.

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