The Five Things You Must Know To Create A Lifetime Of Love

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  1. Want to reconnect with her n redeem myself

    1. I understand your desire to do this Bill. I also want you to know you can do this without her participation. Begin treating her now, the way you wish you would have, as well as others in your presence is a great way to begin.

  2. My wife has checked out on me and doesn't want to try anymore

    1. Hi Steve, this dose not mean she does not care about you...she has just run out of emotional gas by continuing to do all she knows how to do, without much progress.

  3. I do not have any questions

  4. Is it possible without my husband to participate

    1. Hi Kim 🙂 Absolutey. It is very common for our clients to come to us where one partner participates before the other one joins in. Sometimes the other partner never joins in, but it is absolutely possible for one person to create change in a relationship.

  5. Help

  6. I want help

    1. Hi Christine, I would then encourage you to book a call by clicking here:

  7. Tell me more

  8. Can't make appt no code

    1. Hi Liz, Give it a try by clicking here, no code is needed.

  9. I want to fix this marriage you remember 23 years help me

    1. Hi Crystal, I encourage you to book a call so we can help you explore what your next best steps might be. Simply click here:

  10. How can I stop this divorce and my husband wants I don't want it I want to fix the

    1. I am here to help you explore all your possibilities! Lets connect soon.

  11. Well we had an affair while we were both married to other mates she divorced and my wife passed away she pushed away from me to spend time with her girlfriend we got back together after a brief period of time but she went through my stuff and left again and has never forgot or trusted me anymore this has been going on for 4 years finally moved out and blamed me for breaking her spirit we have spoken but no signs of getting her back but I need to work on me

    1. Shawn, it sounds like you have been through a lot. Your knowing of working on yourself would be a great next best step for you. I encourage you to book an initial session here to get started.

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