#197: Five Warning Signs Your Marriage is Headed for Divorce—and How to Stop It

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Marriages don’t usually fall apart in a single, dramatic moment. It’s often a slow unraveling, marked by small signs that are easy to dismiss—until they’re not. Here's a startling fact: the average couple waits six years after identifying a serious issue before seeking help. That’s a long time for resentment, emotional distance, and frustration to fester. And once the damage is done, it’s much harder to reverse course.


The good news? It’s not too late. There are warning signs that can help you catch trouble early—and actionable steps you can take to rebuild the connection you’ve lost.


In this blog, we’ll uncover the five critical warning signs that your relationship might be heading toward divorce. You’ll learn how to recognize these early indicators and, more importantly, how to take immediate steps to course-correct. By the end, you’ll walk away with practical tools to help save your marriage before it’s too late.


Let’s dig into the signs—and the solutions—that can turn things around.

Rebuilding the Connection: Five Warning Signs You Might Be Heading Towards Divorce and How to Turn It Around

You're sitting across from your partner, and the silence is deafening. It wasn't always this way. There used to be laughter, connection, real conversation. But now, it feels like you're living with a stranger. The worst part? It didn't happen overnight. The slow build of distance and unresolved conflict has brought you here, and it's terrifying to think about what's next.


But it doesn't have to stay this way. Welcome to Love Shack Live, the podcast for anyone who feels like their relationship is at a crossroads. If you find yourself caught in daily arguments, feeling more and more emotionally distant, and wanting to rebuild something real and lasting, you're in the right place.


I'm Staci Bartley, a relationship mentor and teacher with over a decade of experience helping couples navigate their toughest moments. I'm joined by my co-host and husband, Tom, and our daughter, Brooke. Together, we're here to help you rebuild the connection you've lost and remind you that it's possible to feel seen, loved, and understood once again.

Understanding the Warning Signs

In this week's episode, we'll break down the five key signs that signal trouble is ahead and provide you with the steps needed to reverse course. Stay with us because the actions you take now could be the difference between saving your relationship or watching it fall apart.


  1. Emotional Distance: Usually, the first sign you'll notice is that the connection is atrophying between you and your partner. If you don't understand the principles of intimacy and connection, this might be a place where you note it but then continue on course without doing anything about it. Emotional distance happens when the vulnerability to share, to ask, to connect evaporates. The solution to this is to find an anchor place within yourself, recognize the disconnection, and muster up the courage to share and listen.
  2. Repeated Arguments: Repeated arguments are not just disagreements; they escalate into emotional breakdowns, and you end up laying on the bathroom floor sobbing. These arguments are a sign of poor communication and unmet needs. To turn this around, clearly express what you need using foundational principles and structured communication skills.
  3. Violation of Boundaries: This is the breakdown of where 'I end and you begin.' It's crucial to understand and respect each other's emotional capacity and boundaries. It's like someone stepping on your foot—if you wouldn't allow someone to do that physically, don’t allow it emotionally either. Learn to explore and share where your emotional boundaries lie, and respect the boundaries set by your partner.
  4. Manipulation and Power Struggles: When we don’t know how to handle our suffering, we often resort to manipulation or power struggles. This involves labeling, diagnosing, and demonizing your partner. Violence can be in the form of words, actions, or even thoughts. The solution here is to implement healthier behavior and communication strategies to rebalance the relationship.
  5. Lack of Intimacy: Intimacy requires vulnerability, and the more these warning signs happen, the less vulnerable you become. Without vulnerability, the desire to connect physically and emotionally diminishes. Teach your partner how to love you best by clearly communicating your needs and desires.

Waitlist: Save Your Marriage: A Blueprint for Avoiding Divorce

Feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to prevent your relationship from falling apart?

Wondering if it’s too late to save your marriage? You’re not alone. Our program offers a step-by-step guide designed to help you rebuild trust, improve communication, and avoid divorce—even if you feel like you’ve tried everything.

Get on the waitlist now to be the first to know when enrollment opens and get exclusive early access tips!

Take Action Before It’s Too Late

Divorce isn't inevitable if you take action. These warning signs can shift how you approach your relationship and what you focus on. At Love Shack Live, we encourage you to take control of your relationship with practical tools and skills.


Remember, don't wait. Take action now to skill up before you need it, ensuring that your relationship continues to thrive. Your relationship is too precious to ignore the signs. It's time to build a solid foundation, for now and a lifetime.


Ready to take the next step? If you’re feeling stuck or unsure where to begin, our Save Your Marriage: A Blueprint for Avoiding Divorce program is designed to guide you through these tough conversations. Join the waitlist now and start transforming your relationship today.

Resources mentioned in this episode:


  1. Ready to build those essential skills? Join the waitlist for Save Your Marriage: A Blueprint for Avoiding Divorce and be the first to know when enrollment opens. Sign up now at stacibartley.com/waitlist and start learning the tools to transform your relationship.

  2. Relationship Conversation Cards: Enhance your communication and deepen your connection with our Relationship Conversation Cards. stacibartley.com/cards

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