Welcome To The Better Love Club!
I am excited and happy you made the decision to become a founding member and take the first step towards saving your relationship. I know how hard it can be to acknowledge that your relationship might need help, so thank you for being brave and taking this important step forward. The resources, guidance, tips, and strategies in the Better Love Club will help you not only strengthen your bond but ultimately give you the best opportunity for success. Please reach out with any questions on your journey as I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Don't Close This Page!
Your next steps are below:
1. Check your email for a message from me with the subject line: Better Love Club Agreement For Your Signature.
2. Please review and sign the Confidentiality Agreement so we can ensure that all conversations within the club remain private.
3. After signing the agreement, check your email for an invitation to join the Better Love Club Portal.
4. You'll be taken to the home page of the Better Love Club after signing in.
5. Immediately you'll be able to edit/create your Better Love Club Profile.
6. From there, you'll be able to introduce yourself and ask any questions you may have before you gain access to all the content and our first group coaching session on January 16, 2023.
7. Lastly, check your email one last time for a code from me to schedule your bonus 1-hour private session at a time that works for you.
Please give our servers a few minutes to send the first email. If you have any questions or need help, please email [email protected].