Comedy, Mental Health & Relationships...What Do They Have In Common?

What does April Fools’ Day have to do with relationships? Well, you better learn how to laugh, or you're going to cry a lot! With the current state of the world taking a toll on our mental health and stability, this day of joking has arrived just in time to help us remember that it’s ok to laugh even when things are tough.
This week, Tom & I are excited to be joined by our guest Maggie Newcomb Raine, M.A.Ed. Maggie is a speaker, comedian, writer, and mental health advocate. After years of performing stand-up comedy, Maggie now uses humor to speak honestly about living with mental illness which she writes about in her book, Chocolate Pudding in Heaven. She also draws on her expertise in adult education when giving speeches and trainings to bring a new perspective on mental health and reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Maggie & her dog Hank
Join us for this life-changing conversation in honor of April Fools’ Day itself. What could be more perfect? Is this a joke? No, it's Love Shack Live!
Have questions about love and relationships? You can call us live during the show (Thursdays 1 p.m. PT) at 425-373-5527 or text your questions here: 601-207-0080.
In this episode, we're covering several key topics about what comedy, mental health, and relationships have in common, including:
- How Maggie navigates the two worlds of comedy and mental illness.
- Does Maggie’s relationship with her husband affect her comedy career?
- How comedy and humor can be a huge tool that can help you improve your relationship.
- Tips and tricks that can help you understand and support your partner’s healing if they are struggling with their mental health.
Links mentioned in show:
- Check out Maggie’s book Chocolate Pudding in Heaven here.
- Learn more about Maggie here.
- Ready to restart your relationship? Join us!
- Relationship Check-up - tired of re-hashing your issues with your partner without making progress? Schedule your check-up today!
- The song we played during the episode was: I Put A Spell On You by Nina Simone
- Check out our Love Shack Live Playlist for all the songs we play on the show.