3 Ways To Make Difficult Conversations Easier In Your Relationship

This week on Love Shack Live, we're talking about how we can finally address the elephant in the room. You know that thing that’s been bothering you (maybe for a long time), but you have no idea how to bring up with your partner? That thing.
Listen, we know that most of us are crammed into our homes with our partners, children and pets, attempting to survive one of the most difficult years of our lives, while we all struggle to be good communicators. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but some of the things we are communicating about right now can be draining, and require skills we’ve never learned. I'm talking about difficult conversations like:
- You're furloughed…how do we pay the bills?
- Who is going supervise Zoom school today?
- How do we explain these events to the kids?
- Why do I have to ask you to the dishes... why can’t you just do them?
- Why do we feel so disconnected when we spending more time together?
Sound familiar? Join Tom & I in the Love Shack where we’ll be sharing the 3 most important things you need to know to make having difficult conversations easier in your relationship.
Have questions about love and relationships? You can call us live during the show (Thursdays 1 p.m. PT) at 425-373-5527 or text your questions here: 601-207-0080.
In this episode we cover several key topics to make having difficult conversations easier, including how to:
- Identify the exact words that will help express what’s bothering you;
- Actually get your point across without hurting your partner’s feelings;
- Upgrade your communication skills so you can stop feeling misunderstood in your relationships; and
- Know when you are censoring yourself to protect other people’s emotions instead of sharing how you feel (and what to do instead.)
Ready to Reset your Relationship in 5 Days Flat? Join us from March 8-12. Register now!
Links mentioned in show:
- Fairy Dust - the #1 thing I teach my VIP clients to stop arguments in their tracks.
- Relationship Check-up - tired of re-hashing your issues with your partner without making progress? Schedule your check-up today!
- The song we played during the episode was: Gregory Porter: Holding On