Episode 31: How To Face Loss With Peace: Endings Are New Beginnings With Bhakti Watts

At a young age both hosts of Love Shack Live, Tom and Staci, were faced with the loss of their fathers. Later in life, they both experienced the loss of jobs, houses, money, and even lovers. Their stories are really no different than what most humans experience.
It seems endings are more abundant than beginnings with all we are going through right now. And, even when our logic knows endings are a part of life, certain losses can still feel impossible to let go of. Currently, we’re experiencing loss is in almost every area of our lives. And, guess what? This is going to affect our relationships, especially the ones we have with ourselves.
This week in the Love Shack this week we have a very special guest, Bhakti Watts, an End of Life Doula. She is certified by the International End of Life Doula Association. She has been a hospice volunteer, and in-home care partner, and volunteered at the Dougy Center in Portland, serving grieving children and their families. She is a Reiki practitioner who meditates and notices the magic in each day.
In this episode, we're covering several key topics about how to face loss with peace, including:
- How Bhakti can help us embrace endings, so we can reach for the new beginning that is staring right back at us.Â
- Real stories of how real people have finally been able to let go and let themselves live again after loss.Â
- Bhakti’s best tips for maintaining the best quality of life for as long as possible.
Have questions about love and relationships? You can call us live during the show (Thursdays 1 p.m. PT) at 425-373-5527 or text your questions here: 601-207-0080.
Links mentioned in show:
- Learn more about Bhakti here: https://bhaktiwatts.com/
- Ready to restart your relationship? Join us!Â
- Relationship Check-up - tired of re-hashing your issues with your partner without making progress? Schedule your check-up today!
- Get on the fun list here.
- Check out our Love Shack Live Playlist for all the songs we play on the show.