Episode 62: How Parents Can Talk To Their Kids About Sex & Their Bodies

Talking to your kids about sex can be a daunting task. But you know it's important, and you want them to have the right information so they are safe and healthy.
Our guest in the Love Shack this week is Mandi Nuttall who is the author of the Birthday Suit Book, and she is going to share with us her philosophy on talking about sex with children.
This episode is all about how to have these difficult (and sometimes frightening) conversations with your kids in a healthy, positive way. Mandi will share things like what kinds of questions are appropriate for each age, and how her book provides guided discussions for talking to our kids about topics including basic anatomy, where babies come from, and more. Join us as we explore how to have these difficult conversations in a way that encourages an open discussion!
You’ll learn how to empower yourself as a parent by understanding what is age-appropriate for each stage of development. And, having this information will give you the confidence you need because it offers practical advice on how to approach these crucial issues without fear or anxiety. We all want our children to grow up healthy, happy, sexually literate adults who know how to protect themselves from harm while still exploring their bodies! Because, we know having these conversations will allow our children to grow up comfortable in their bodies and more able to navigate the world, and romantic relationships they will find themselves in, confidently with the knowledge they need. Avoiding the conversations because they feel awkward or uncomfortable is not the answer. So, it's time to talk about it!
As a former health teacher, and mother of five children, Mandi knows how hard it is for parents to feel confident in teaching this subject. She wrote The Birthday Suit Book to make the process simple, and empower parents to then empower their children to respect and love their bodies. Mandi's greatest purpose and joy comes from being a mother. Raising her children has been the most fulfilling, yet without exaggeration, also the hardest and most trying experience imaginable. Her kids push her to work toward becoming her best self. It's a hard and ugly process, but there is no way she could know the joy and happiness she does now without her incredible children. They were the undeniable inspiration for inspiring her to create and write The Birthday Suit Books because we have one shot to teach our kids to respect their bodies, and we can't leave that up to the world—it's our job and divine responsibility.
In this episode, we're covering several key topics about how to talk to your kids about sex and their bodies, including:
- Why do parents need the Birthday Suit Books?
- How can learning about the body strengthen a parent/child relationship?
- Why are most teenage kids clueless about their bodies and sex?
- How can having these conversations when kids are young set them up for success in their relationships later in life?
- What is Mandi's philosophy on talking about sex with children?
This is a must-listen episode for parents who want more information on how they can be better prepared when it comes time for these kinds of talks!
Tune in live Thursdays at 1 pm PST/4 pm EST -- and don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode!
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Links mentioned in show:
- Learn more about Mandi and get her book here: https://thebirthdaysuitbooks.com/home
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