Pelvic Body Love With Jana Danielson

Show Description:
When we think about our pelvis and our relationships at the same time, typically the next thought for most of us is sex, right? Actually, believe it or not, the muscles of our pelvic floor affect so much more than just our ability to be intimate with our partners. Weak pelvic muscles can eventually create urinary stress, incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and painful intercourse. More often than not, these problems begin with things like cold feet, shin splints, low back pain. Simple things we would swear were unrelated. Now look, I understand these things may be difficult for us to talk about; however, not talking about them will leave us feeling powerless in remedying them.
According to Jana Danielson, a leading expert in health and fitness therapies for more than a decade, Jana knows using a Cooch Ball for just 3 minutes a day, will solve these problems once and for all. What’s a Cooch Ball you ask? Join us Thursday at 1 pm pst on KKNW 1150 and find out. It's time for us to get in touch with our bodies!
Links mentioned in show:
- Click here to get your free gift: Jana's Pelvic Floor Secrets Webinar.Â
- Check out Jana's Cooch Ball here and Gooch Ball here.
- Fairy Dust - the #1 thing I teach my VIP clients to stop arguments in their tracks.
- Relationship Check-up - tired of re-hashing your issues with your partner without making progress? Schedule your check-up today!