Episode 41: 3 Significant Ways Pornography Addiction Impacts Our Intimate Relationships

Joshua Shea is a pornography addiction expert, certified betrayal trauma coach, and the author of three books about pornography addiction, including He’s a Porn Addict…Now What? An Expert and Former Addict Answer Your Questions (2019). This week, Joshua is our guest on Love Shack Live and he’s going to share the story of his struggle with addiction, and how he kept his relationship and family together.
Since 2018, Joshua has given more interviews about pornography addiction and betrayal
trauma than anybody in the world, using his wealth of research and personal story to promote the ideas that porn addiction spans all demographics and those with a problem should seek help before it’s too late.
He also speaks extensively about working through betrayal trauma, especially with the partners of addicts and those facing infidelity. Prior to admitting his 24-year addiction to pornography in 2014, Joshua was a prominent magazine publisher, award-winning journalist, film festival founder, and politician in Auburn, Maine.
In this episode, we're covering several key topics about the significant ways pornography addiction can impact our intimate relationships, including:
- Admitting you're addicted to anything is difficult, but pornography addiction is different because the pain of betrayal can hit the addict's partner worse than the addict. How do we address this?
- Is my partner looking at pornography because I'm not enough physically or sexually?
- How do you know when looking at pornography is creating problems in your relationship? How do you know if you’re addicted to it?
- How does porn become addictive?
- What do you do to support someone who is struggling with pornography addiction?
- What kind of help and support is available?
It’s time for some answers to these questions from someone who has lived it.
Have questions about love and relationships? Leave a message for us here: stacibartley.com/message
Links mentioned in show:
- Learn more about Joshua here: paddictrecovery.com
- How to stop a fight with your partner in 20-seconds or less: stacibartley.com/stopfight
- Ready to restart your relationship? Join us!
- Relationship Check-up - tired of re-hashing your issues with your partner without making progress? Schedule your check-up today!
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- Check out our Love Shack Live Playlist for all the songs we play on the show.