Episode 50: Love & Relationships: How To Rekindle Your Intimacy And Passion

Ready to get your sexy on?
Let me ask you, what happens when you think of the words sex and sensuality? Do they make you curious, uncomfortable, or maybe a bit of both? Most of us experience an emotional response when we feel these words. Both in the feelings they kick-off, and (most likely) create a few sensations in our bodies as well.
Not to mention, sex, intimacy, passion, and sensuality can cause some of the biggest fights when they are missing or waning in our relationships. Whatever your experience may be, this week in the Love Shack we are going to explore the importance of sex and sensuality not just in our relationships, but within ourselves too.
...And we are going to do it with the queen of sexy and sensuality, Jay Siren. Jay is a sensuality coach and burlesque performer, and a creator of space and opportunity for the growth and empowerment of others. Her journey began in event production and live entertainment in 2007 and has evolved into a career as a speaker, arts educator, and movement and intimacy coach. Jay coaches her clients and students toward empowered sensual embodiment through healthy pleasure and intuitive movement practices.
Oooh, la la!
Together, we are going to share our personal journeys towards sexy, as well as answer some common questions that come up often when exploring these topics (especially for us women).
In this episode, we're covering several key topics about exactly how to rekindle the intimacy and passion in your relationship by using sensuality, including:
- What will feeling sexy do for me and my relationship besides having more sex?
Why do we stop ourselves from feeling sexy? - What is the first piece of advice Jay gives to someone embarking on their journey of sexual and sensual discovery?
- What is the easiest thing someone can do to become a better lover/partner in the sexual experience?
- Jay’s best tips on developing your communication skill set when it comes to relationships and intimacy.
It's all going down in the Love Shack, and is sure to be a “stimulating” 😉 conversation!
Have questions about love and relationships? Leave a message for us here: stacibartley.com/message
Links mentioned in show:
- Learn more about Jay here: https://www.jaysiren.com/
- Download the worksheet we talked all about on this episode. Learn how to stop a fight in 20-seconds or less? Get the cheatsheet here. stacibartley.com/stopfight
- Ready to restart your relationship? Join us!
- Relationship Check-up - tired of re-hashing your issues with your partner without making progress? Schedule your check-up today!
- Get on the fun list here.
- Check out our Love Shack Live Playlist for all the songs we play on the show.