Step Into Your Imagination

Show Description:
If you’re like me, you have powerful memories of being a kid and laying under the decorated Christmas tree looking up at the twinkling lights. I loved to put on some tunes, and lay under there for hours imagining how I might catch Santa this year eating the cookies I had made (always a secret hope). My imagination was so alive and magical, I could barely sleep this time of year.
As we get older, (and become responsible adults) we tend to forget the power and ongoing impact imagination can bring into our lives, not only at Christmas, but all year long. Believe it or not, imagination is an important key to keeping the joy and passion alive in this human experience, and especially in our relationships. And as I see it, in this moment, I think we could all use a big dose of imagination right about now.
Come with me, and you will see some pure imagination...along with ideas on how to reactivate yours! Gift yourself the freedom to imagine the world anew, anytime and anyplace. It all happens Thursday, December 17th at 1pm PT in the Love Shack.
Links mentioned in show:
- Fairy Dust - the #1 thing I teach my VIP clients to stop arguments in their tracks.
- Relationship Check-up - tired of re-hashing your issues with your partner without making progress? Schedule your check-up today!
- The song we played at the end of the show was Josh Groban's Pure Imagination. You can listen here.