Episode 40: Surviving infidelity: is it possible for your relationship to recover from an affair?

When infidelity happens in our relationships, most of the time we have a pre-programmed social response that happens automatically. The person who discovers the infidelity is the victim, and the person who committed the act is undoubtedly the monster.
If we’re the victim, our friends and family say things to us like:
- “You're leaving them right?!”
- “You can’t let them do this to you.”
- “You deserve better!”
So, it’s no wonder we think that the only choice is to end the relationship and leave. And, that by leaving and making the monster pay, we have solved the problem. If only the motivations and conversations around this topic could be that cut and dry.
The reality is, there are three core emotional drivers that create the desire for being unfaithful in committed relationships. But, the rehearsed social narrative we all uphold so well only leaves one option, severing ties with the cheater and moving on. And this absolutely prevents us from getting closure, truly healing, and creating good outcomes.
Join us for a very different and important conversation that must be had about surviving infidelity. There are important aspects of this very painful experience that we need to understand to truly know the best solutions for the people in our lives, and the families affected.
In this episode, we're covering several key topics about surviving infidelity and whether or not a relationship can recover from an affair, including:
- What are the reasons people have affairs when they are in committed relationships?
- Does it mean your partner never loved you if they cheat on you?
- Is it possible for a relationship to recover from an affair?
- Is ending the relationship the only good option after infidelity is discovered?
- If someone cheats does it mean they will keep cheating?
Have questions about love and relationships? Leave a message for us here: stacibartley.com/message
Links mentioned in show:
- Ready to restart your relationship? Join us!
- Relationship Check-up - tired of re-hashing your issues with your partner without making progress? Schedule your check-up today!
- Get on the fun list here.
- Check out our Love Shack Live Playlist for all the songs we play on the show.