Episode 67: The Science of Names: What Your Name Says About You with Sharón Lynn Wyeth
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Intro (00:03):
Hey, thanks for coming. Welcome to the love shack. [Music].
Staci (00:14):
Hey, welcome to the love shack. It's a little old place where we get to get together, explore fresh perspectives, eavesdrop on juicy conversations and uncover the mysteries that nobody talks about, but absolutely influences our relationships. If you are struggling with your special someone, just starting out in a new relationship, and wanna make sure it thrives, this show is dedicated to you today. This is episode number 67, and we're gonna share with you the inside meanings of a name and what a name says about you. We're actually gonna be diving into the science of Neimology®.
Tom (00:52):
Absolutely [inaudible]. Hi, we're Tom and Staci Bartley. Host of Love Shack live. Thanks for joining us inside love shack, and today. Yeah, we were. We're blessed to have our special guest Sharón White and she is the founder of…Neimology®.
Staci (01:05):
So let me just ask you before I, you know, tell you about her and her wonderful science and my incredible experience of meeting her. Just ask yourself how many different ways you personally have attempted to understand yourself and or your partner at a deeper level. And if you're like most of us you've heard of the Meyer Briggs test where you do the personality, you size it up that way, or maybe the good old, you know, astrological sign to see if we're compatible so that I can understand you. I can understand me and many of us right now, especially in the realm of relationships, have read or have heard of the five. I love languages to help us understand how does this whole relationship dance work. We're checking in to see if we're compatible with our partners and spouses if we're irresistible enough. And so there are lots of assessments and quizzes that almost have become an obsession to see if we can better comprehend our pasts and also predict our future, especially when it comes to the relationship journey.
Tom (02:05):
Absolutely. And you know what the truth is is we all want to understand ourselves and our partners better, but sometimes it's hard to know as Staci just alluded to where the heck do we start?
Staci (02:16):
Most people don't even think about their names as having any significance beyond what they are called and are unaware of the wealth and information that their name holds. But the reality is that I learned from Sharón is actually an incredibly powerful tool, our name is, and it can be used to understand ourselves and others better. So today we are so excited and delighted to have her inside the Love Shack... Sharón, Sharón Wyeth. I keep saying Sharon, because that's how it's spelled, but she's gonna tell us all about that. She is truly an internationally recognized name expert, and we're gonna be talking about all the ways your name can share insights and details about a person's personality, health, life, core lessons, and even expose how they love dun dun dun, because knowing the meaning of your name and the significance of it can give you a deeper understanding of yourself and the people that you are around. Now, I'm just gonna say, I'm gonna be the elephant in the room right here. I have to admit that when I first read about sh Sharón and her work and her science before I met her and we actually had a deep dive, I was honestly very, very skeptical. I thought, come on, right? I mean, there are so many questions to ask, but you know what? We're gonna ask those questions that I asked her as she explains to us, the science. And I need to tell you when we were done spending our time together, she shared with me some very moving, powerful, and important insights, not only into my life but the life of my parents who have unfortunately passed already and all, all from your name, all from their name and your name. Yes. After listening to this podcast episode, I promise you're gonna want, wanna know more about your own name and the names of those around you. So stay with us as we take a quick break. We'll be right back.
Advertisement Male (04:12):
I met Staci and Tom about two years ago, I was at a point in my relationship where I was ready to file for divorce. And not that I wanted to, but I just felt hopeless and helpless. I'd been through other counseling and coaching and didn't find any success with Staci and Tom's methods. I was able to eliminate insecurities, set boundaries, plant my flag, eliminate rabbit holing. I was separated from my wife for a year and I have since moved back home for the last six months, now. I still refer back to a lot of the teaching that Staci and Tom provided and it's helped me. It's well worth it.
Man (04:49):
Learn the simple three-step system to rescue your struggling relationship by registering for Staci's brand new free workshop. Reserve your seat by going to StaciBartley.com/workshop.
Advert Woman (05:03):
Are you ready to venture off the beaten path? Expand your mind, raise your consciousness and open your heart. Allow me to entice you with interviews with amazing souls from around the world. Indulgent history, mystery science, and spirituality. There are weekly skin tips, live esoteric readings, and answers to life's burning questions. So come join me. Sakura, your host, intuitive, medium, and spiritual hypnotherapist each Wednesday at two to 3:00 PM right here on KKNW for love from the head.
New Speaker (05:34):
This is Nathan Munn and Mike Gorday from tech time with Nathan Munn. Hey Mike.
Mike (05:38):
Yeah, what's going on?
Nathan (05:39):
How about starting the year 2022 off with a bang with a big announcement.
Nathan (05:44):
Oh yeah. What kind of big announcement do we have?
Mike (05:47):
Well, we are expanding. We are expanding to Kicksy 880AM. Don't you worry KKNW 1150 listeners, because we are still gonna be broadcasting on Saturdays and on Thursday morning? So you will not miss our show. Listen to tech time radio at KKNW1150. Hallelujah.
Speaker Man (06:04):
Make us part of your daily routine. Alternative talk 1150.
Tom (06:12):
Welcome back inside the love shack, episode 67. Happy to have you here, we're Tom and Staci Bartley along with our engineer, Eric Ryder. Happy to have you here. And we're gonna jump right into the heart of the matter.
Staci (06:21):
Yeah, we have with us and are so delighted and excited and lucky to have Sharón with us. She has dedicated her life to the study of names and she's here with us right now inside the love shack her knowledge is going to be incredible. I was so inspired by her when I met her and I get to share her with you now. So I couldn't be more delighted. She's gonna reveal how your name can offer insights into your strengths, your challenges, and the purpose of your life. Sharón is the founder. She is the gal. She is the girl that created this science. She's the founder of me, which is the study of the placement of letters in the name. And after 15 years of research, she has assisted many businesses and individuals in deciphering their names, strengths, challenges, and purposes in life. She's also written several best-selling books on the topic, and she's a frequent guest on both television programs. Sharón, welcome to the show. It is so great to have you here.
Sharón (07:24):
Thank you. Great to see you again, Staci, and to meet you, Tom.
Staci (07:28):
Thank you. That's true. So again, I had said this on the intro, but you know, in the spirit of full disclosure, I was so skeptical when you and I first met. That's probably maybe a common thing. Like, come on very common. <Laugh> really, my name's gonna give all of this away. Right. and you have a fascinating story about how you started to put the parts and pieces together to the science before you became the wonderful, extraordinarily name, rich scientists that you are right now. Would you tell us a little bit about that story?
Sharón (08:01):
Well, it was when I was 26 and I was putting together the, you know, the names and the seating chart of my kids. It was in my seventh year of teaching. And so what happened was I randomly put 'em down because you wanna be able to tell children where to sit when they come in. But I realized that my brain was saying, don't put, you know, Staci anywhere close, you know, to the front or the side or whatever, she's gonna be stubborn. She's not gonna wanna change her seat. Put her over there on the side. And don't put Joshua, and Julie together because they're gonna be clowns, but separated. They'll be okay. Do you know? And so I started thinking after a while I thought, wait a minute, I don't know these kids yet. All I know is their names. And so I was curious and I wrote down what I was feeling about every single child and I put it away until winter break. And I thought I'm gonna look at this later. I wanna get to know the kids for who they are. So when I looked at it at winter break, I was amazed at the accuracy of what my brain had picked up. Now, my brain is thoroughly trained in, patterns because I'm a math major and I have my master's degree. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> and yet there's no math and what I'm doing with names, okay. I don't wanna scare anybody. It's just letter and let placement. And so I started saying, okay, my brain's picked up something. How do I make what's unconscious conscious? And that's what took me 15 years to figure out all of the patterns. And then it got tested in over 70 countries over the next three years.
Staci (09:31):
Yeah. So all this to say, she knows what she's talking about. And I love that story because it's something that just kind of unfolded naturally in your life and having that beautiful brain math that you do, you can see those patterns unfolding, and good for you for trusting it so that we can all be the beneficiaries of that. That's incredible.
Sharón (09:48):
Well, I think it was a joint thing. I always say with spirit, I wanna give spirit credit because I was a meditator since I was a teen. And so I would wake up every morning at four o'clock in the morning and I literally received hints. You know, they would, I would see, have you thought about this? Did you put this one together yet? You know, I mean, I was being helped all the way along. Wow.
Staci (10:10):
That's incredible. That makes it even more impactful. So tell us a little bit about the science. Now, if you could start to uncover some of the science so that those listeners who are here, we can, we can look at, okay. Tell us some combinations, right? Tell us some combinations that will help us understand what it is you're actually doing here. I loved what you said. It's the placement of the letters. Right. So it's not, so it's, it's where they fall in the spelling of the name. Right?
Sharón (10:37):
Right. So if you're looking at the single letters, it's important to know whether it's the first letter and the first name, which gives us our first impression. So S's for Staci and for Sharón is just that it says we're smart. <Laugh> and that's gonna be the first impression then if it's T for Tom, it's gonna be, he's gonna go to the top. If he's not on top, he doesn't wanna do it. <Laugh> you know, the only time you're gonna see him in the middle is when he is on his way to the top. Because if he doesn't think he's gonna land on top, he's not even gonna start with the first step. Okay. And then the first impression with Eric, we wanna include him is that he's just a hugger and emotional and he just loves everybody. Okay. So that, so that gives us our first impression of somebody. And then we go to the first vowel of the first name and that's our communication style. And it's like, what kind of gifts? We like, how we deal with money, how, what needs to be shown to us so that we feel love what needs to be, how we give out love, or how we think we're showing our love. There are so many things in that first vowel besides our communication style. Okay. And then that's why I always say from the bedroom to the boardroom, once you know, somebody's name, you know, every <laugh>, there's a problem in there. Okay. And then we have the last letter of the first name and that place says what people are gonna talk about you first behind your back. Okay. Interesting. So know with, with Tom it's that he does everything to the extreme, what he likes. He really likes and what he doesn't like, he's not gonna do.
Staci (12:05):
M. That's M people <laugh>,
Sharón (12:07):
That's the M. And with Staci, with the I, is that she can handle a lot of a, you know, some people shy away from attention. My first three years of teaching, I literally memorized cuz I was so shy internally. I literally memorized every day what I was gonna say mm-hmm <affirmative> so the child said something or went something off. I go, oh my gosh, where am I in my place? You know, here's my script because I was so shy and it took me three years to figure out the, could not ask me a math question. I couldn't answer. You know? And then I started calming down, but it's like, I didn't want the attention. I just wanted to share the knowledge, you know? So it's that eye that says it's okay. Bring the attention here. I can handle all of it and, and a little bit more <laugh>
Staci (12:50):
That's not me.
Sharón (12:51):
Okay. Okay. And then with Eric, is it a C or a K? At the end of Eric?
Tom (12:59):
It's a C.
Sharón (13:01):
Okay. So the C says that he's very well balanced between his masculine and his feminine principles. He can do both. He can be very loving and giving like a female and very masculine and macho, like a male he can do both. He can be very well balanced.
Tom (13:15):
A true renaissance man.
Sharón (13:18):
Yes, absolutely. So that's the last letter of a C. Okay. Then you have what I call the middle letters. Those are all the letters that are left. Okay. And you look at 'em one at a time and you say, these are the subtleties. These are the hidden things. These are the, that we don't know until we get to know the person a little bit longer, you know, they take longer for us to discover than just like in the classroom where if you are sitting next to somebody that you really like, you're gonna act one way. But if you're sitting next to somebody, you don't care for, you're gonna act a different way. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> okay. So the letters, once you learn them in their individuality, you have to learn how they play with others. Okay. So let me take a CH so that I'm not insulting anybody that's on the air with us right now.
Staci (14:04):
Okay. That sounds like a really good idea.
Sharón (14:08):
As C says I'm charming in charismatic to cover my need, to be in charge and in control. See, I have a mnemonic device on how I, I remember everything mm-hmm <affirmative> okay. So they like to be the ones in charge. It's gotta be their way. So then the H says, this is my holy letter. I leave it to God. I go with the flow. I get in the river and see where it takes me. So now let's put the sea next to the H do we stay in charge where we're the one in charge? Or do we let go and let God, so would the C H is do everything the hard way because they're battling inside? How much do I have to let go? Cuz I don't really want to, but I know I have to type of thing. And how much am I gonna hold on? So they do things the hard way. So whether in the double letters of the triple letters, it doesn't matter where in the name, the placement doesn't matter. Okay. So it could be like Cheryl at the beginning of the name, the ch or it could be like Michael in the middle of the name, but that would just mean that they do things the hard way. It also helps their memory. Because if you do things the hard way, then you remember how you did 'em so you go, Ugh, last time, that was so hard. This time I'm gonna do it differently. But if you don't do it the hard way for these people, they go, oh, that was so easy. How did I do that? I don't remember. So that's the hard way.
Staci (15:21):
Lots of contrast, we would say lots of contrast to choose from about, okay. That didn't work. Let's try this.
Tom (15:27):
Okay. And I was just, excuse me, but I'm just having some powerful a-ha's because my re my first name is Charles.
Sharón (15:36):
Oh, well, there you go. The CH.
Staci (15:38):
That's right. She thought she wasn’t picking on somebody that wasn't in the room, but I guess, surprise, surprise.
Tom (15:46):
Oh, that's very fair. Wow. I mean, I, I that's, my parents gave me that name. I've used Tom, which comes from my middle name Thompson, but Charles, CH you're speaking to the core of who I am, because I'm a pretty intense guy. Who's done a lot of hard things, a lot of hard manual labor. I know hard things.
Staci (16:06):
And he's very, very spiritual. Like, you know, there's, yeah. There's anybody that keeps me balanced. Just him going, okay. Now, honey, come on. I'm a little fiery, you know, I can, I can get fired up stay in charge. Right? We're gonna do it. We're gonna do it this way. And he's always like, let's think this through. Okay. Just come calm down. Let's not, let's not rush onto anything.
Sharón (16:29):
Because he goes by the first vowel O, oh, that's the nurturing vowel. You know, think of it in Tom. That's the nurturing vowel. Those are the ones that nurture everybody around them. They know how to love and take care of people. On the other hand, they expect loyalty back in return. If you're not loyal back that's just hurtful. Cuz look at how good they were to you, you know, and really good communication between the two of you. Because his real first vowel is in Charles, which is an A, which matches yours, which means the love potent is the same. Cuz you got the same first vowel.
Staci (17:04):
Oh. So if you have the same first vowel in your name, let me make sure I'm clear about this. And our listeners are too. If we have matching vowels on our name, then you're calling that a love potion.
Sharón (17:14):
It is because you understand each other cuz you have the same communication and your same way of how you show love and how you receive love. And that's really important. And then there are compatible letters.
Staci (17:25):
Okay. So tell me about a, tell us about the compatible letters.
Sharón (17:28):
Okay. So compatible letters, if the first name was really an O, the most compatible letter with an O is an E. Okay. Because OS like to be in charge A's don't need to be in charge. They just need whoever's in charge to be competent. So that's different. As long as you're competent, be in charge, who cares, but the O says, no, it's gonna be me. <Laugh> I wanna be the one in charge. OK. So, so with Tom, with you going by Tom, instead of going by Charles, you're gonna go in and out of that. Yes. It needs to be me. No, it's okay. You're confident because you've got both mm-hmm <affirmative> so you balanced and it literally says when you go by your middle name, that those are intermittent behaviors, they're not still as strong as your first name behaviors. They're not gonna come in as often the others are gonna be running underneath. Okay. So in your, we did a huge study. I have a team that God bless them. That works for me. And we did the huge study of looking at marriage records and who had stayed married the longest and who got divorced, the soonest and everything. Wow. Trying to figure out what the patterns were. Yeah. Right. So the longest-married people were when an O married and E and the next longest-married people were when A married A or I marries an I.
Staci (18:52):
I is married. What? I didn't catch that last part.
Sharón (18:54):
I marries itself, the I marries the I.
Staci (18:57):
Okay. So E and O is the best combo A and A is the next best. And then I and I.
Tom (19:05):
Actually though is O marries, is it important on the O marries, or I guess?
Sharón (19:10):
O and the E and it doesn't matter who has, which, okay. Okay. It doesn't matter which person you just want. The O and the E what's really interesting is the most challenging. And what we found fascinating was when the O's married an O because a lot of times you think, oh, I wanna match because they really get me. But sometimes the, the match doesn't work because O's both wanna be in charge and you cannot have two Indian chiefs and no Indians in the marriage.
Staci (19:35):
Oh, that's true. I've always loved that saying I grew up with that myself. So I'm curious. Do you find that, like, you know, in, in our culture, traditionally, the woman takes on the man's last name, does that have any impact on, you know, changing some of your personality or characteristics?
Sharón (19:51):
Okay. So the essence of who you are is in the first name, and then the middle name is what you brought in also with you, but the last name designates your environment. So you have your nature and your first name and your nurture and your last name. So when you're changing your last name, what you're really doing is saying whom I'm listening to my environment has now changed. And in fact, when you get, get married and take on somebody else's last name, you're literally saying I'm not listening to my parents and my upbringing anymore. I'm now having more, this person now has more influence with me.
Tom (20:23):
And then how about the hyphen? The hyphenated last, you know, the hyphen
Sharón (20:27):
That means I'm not giving up a thing. I'm still listening to everybody. I'm just adding more in.
Tom (20:33):
Do you see what I'm dealing with? Ladies and gentlemen? It's a, it it's an adventure every day.
Staci (20:41):
But we have an A.
Tom (20:45):
Thank goodness. So now, now Sharón, if we've blasted people out, cause they're doing the quick combinations here as they're joining us wherever you are, like, hopefully, we haven't blasted people out because they've realized they're incompatible name wise. I know you run across this. So now what do we do?
Sharón (21:02):
Okay. So the only one that's really difficult between the two vowels is the O with the O because you got two Indian chiefs. However, if they will decide who's in charge of what and the other person never gives advice in that area that they're not in charge of, they can make it work.
Staci (21:20):
Never is a really long time. I can see that. That might be something we need to practice. Right. But I like that because you know, we do that to ourselves, right? It's like, oh, it's over. See, I, we, we don't that's the whole problem. No, no, no, no, no. That's not what we're saying here. We're saying I love to, I'd love to remind our listeners that I want you to look at this as a snapshot in your life. It is one element that we can look at to get an understanding of who we are and who we are in love with. Okay. So it's, it's not the whole picture. It's just a piece of the picture. So use it to your benefit, not to your demise.
Sharón (22:00):
The best part, the best part, Staci, you're gonna love this. Is that not only can you compare two names and see where the potential of conflicts are? The solutions are always easy and they sit in the names too.
Staci (22:13):
Oh, tell us about that.
Tom (22:14):
Beautiful. Wow. What a great rest of the story. Right?
Sharón (22:18):
Okay. So, so sometimes HR companies will call me not only to help them choose who they're hiring, that will fit in with the team and that they'll have the skills needed, but they'll call in. They'll say these guys, aren't getting along. You know, what do we do? We wanna keep 'em both. So the one that I love the best was from this tech firm and this, the supervisor was a micromanager. Okay. And just needed to interrupt all the time. What are you doing? Who are you talking to? How to go with, keep me up to date and just would nag people now, people with the first vowel of OS and S hate to be nagged. Okay. You do not nag these people. Okay. So the technician that everybody loved, cuz he was the first vowel of an E and he emotionally relates to everybody with that love just like Eric. So everybody loved him and he was doing really well, but he said, she nags me all day long. I wanna quit. And she said, but he's not keeping me informed enough. You know? So I said, it's really easy. He doesn't wanna be micromanaged, but you wanna be kept better informed. So how about if at the end of every day you do not pick up his phone call and he calls you and he gives you a summary of the day. I met with this one and this is what we did for them. And I met with this one and this is what we completed for them. And this is our next step. So you get a five-minute summary at the end of every day. So all the news is coming in with the promise that you never call him during the day and interrupt his flow. And that was five years ago and they're still both employed.
Staci (23:48):
Well, so tell us about who needed to be informed. What letter is that?
Sharón (23:51):
That's the first vowel of an A.
Staci (23:55):
So it would be like an Ashley.
Sharón (23:57):
It's any place it starts. Yours is the first vowel of an A and it's the third letter in the name. See, with the name Charles, it's a third letter in the name with the name. Sharon is the third letter. You got Sarah with the second letter or some like Ashley it's first letter. It's just the first vowel, the first vowel. Those are the ones that need to be well informed when they're put in charge. Because if not, they'll become micromanagers. You know, they'll micromanage you, and everybody kind of pulls away now people with the first vowel, an S okay. I love this. Any, in fact, anywhere, if you have an S in your name, in your first name, or your middle name, what happens is these are the guys that I call that are school smart. Okay. They do well in school. They learn well from others. When they're learning something new, they want the teacher right there. They have no patience waiting for their turn for an answer. It's like you, if I have a question, I need the answer now, but the minute they've caught on and they think they've got it now, it's go away. Leave me alone. Don't micromanage me. You're sitting too close. Don't breathe on me. Go away.
Staci (24:59):
Yes, very much. So we were just having a conversation about that before we did this show.
Tom (25:02):
So I can imagine Sharón, after you, you know, really an understanding of how your place, your intuitive placement of your, your, your students then was backed up by your research and science, it made the flow and ease of your classroom pretty significant, yes?
Sharón (25:18):
Well, I think I had a natural intuition on people and how cuz I grew up in a big family and, and how they interacted. But it definitely did. When I put the kids together in groups, you know, I would move the children the first day of every month that we were in school, you know, each month, cuz it might fall on a weekend. I would change everybody's seats and often I would have them work in teams of three. And so at the beginning of the year, when I did not know the students, I did put 'em together with their letters and who is gonna work the best together and, and get 'em off on a good start. And then in February, I would put 'em with the worst, you know, what are the hardest ones for you to get along with? And I would tell 'em, I'd say it's just as even more important, but absolutely as vitally important as learning your math as learning, how to get along with everybody mm-hmm <affirmative> so I'd given you the shortest month of the year with the most challenging people in the room for you. And if you manage to get along for the month, you don't have to sit with them again. But if you don't, you'll also get 'em in March.
Tom (26:17):
And how did that, that's genius? How did that go when you would?
Sharón (26:21):
The, my students year after year would always say, first of all, cuz I moved them all the time. They didn't have ownership on a chair cuz if not, it's like don't touch my chair and everybody realize every chair belongs to everybody. And, but what my group would always say is I've never gotten so well along with everybody in the classroom. Mm wow. That's so great. But we did a lot of things differently. Like if I would have 'em stand up, when they gave me an answer, I don't care how old they are. And then I would snap my fingers as long as their answer was going in the right direction. And the minute they'd go wrong, I'd be quiet with my, with my fingers. And so what you would find is within the second or third week of every school year, everybody would be clicking their fingers while they thought they were given a right answer, you know, and then in the classroom and go quiet. And then we always said, do you wanna do over or do you wanna call on somebody else for help? You always get your choice. Who's willing to help.
Staci (27:13):
We teach a lot of that in our work. Yeah. We teach a lot about do-overs and our work. So, because this is so new to our listeners, I think it would be really helpful if we invited you to just go back and, and review with us again, some of the basics of what you just talked, taught us. Like, so the first letter of the first name is I want you to do this. So the first name is this, the middle name is this, the last name is this?
Sharón (27:38):
Okay. So the first name is the essence of who you are. The middle name. If you have one is where you disappear under stress. That's who you become. Okay. Mm-hmm <affirmative> so that'll be the people that change under stress. Then your last name represents your environmental influence. So how we do it is we drop the first name and the middle name into the last name to see what the influence would be. So another way of looking at that is the first name is the ingredients you have in your kitchen and you're covered. And the last name is the different recipes you can make out of those ingredients. Mm. Okay. So you can pick than the first, the vowels in the name represent your emotions, the consonants in a name represent your attitudes. Interesting. So we break it down that way. And then if it's a Singleton letter, the placement is important. The first letter is the first impression. The first vowel is your communication and your love language and the last and, and the last letter in the name is the lasting impression. Or what I jokingly say is what everybody talks about you behind your back. And then the middle letters are what you find out. As you get to know the person. And then you have the subtleties, which are all the combinations. Like I said, in the beginning, Staci would be stubborn. Well, that's the St but stubborn people are also, that's the challenge in the St but there's always a benefit. There are always two sides to the coin. So the benefit is the St is persistent. You will find a lot of people that are doctors and lawyers and things that take a long time to develop. They have an St in their name because they have the perseverance to keep coming through. You know, don't give up,
Staci (29:23):
I'm curious about an A, N.
Sharón (29:27):
An A, N is wanting to make the world a better place. So the people that have an A, N and their, their name really wanna improve something. I always joke that if somebody wants to come to borrow my pots and pans, or, you know, like another cookie sheet or something, I always go, no, you're gonna ruin it. And I keep my stuff really clean. However, if they have an A, N in their name, I know it's gonna come back just as clean or cleaner and with cookies on it. Now the health predispositions are also in a name. So an A N, if you have that in your name, says that you're gonna have your weakest link is actually your immune system. So if the in is in your first name, it says, in this lifetime, your habits can cause your immune system to go bad. If it's in your middle name, it says you came in with a weakened immune system. And if it's in your last name, it says, that's in the DNA that's coming through. And whether it activates or not will depend on what your choices are.
Staci (30:25):
That is so fascinating. So I remember in our conversation, you were telling me about my father and, and because my father passed away, when I was so young for our listeners, I, this is always a, a conversation that if I can get a little glimpse or window into his life and who he was, I'm all in, because I didn't get a lot of time there to discover elements about my father and the interesting thing, Sharón, that you brought immediately to, to my attention. And by the way, his name's Billy, Donald SHA, Sharón immediately said, there's something that happens that causes him to die. And it's an accident. And I said, oh my gosh. And she said, is, is he still here? Is he still? No, no. He died when I was really small. The fascinating thing about that, that she knew right away without me telling her anything about my dad, because of his name was that my dad back in the 1970s, got sick with cancer and they were doing cancer experiments. And they ended up killing his bone marrow and they accidentally killed him because they were giving him too much. They didn't know cuz he was a big strong guy. And, and at that moment you had my full attention. Right? <laugh> it was like, oh my goodness, there's no way that you could have just made that up with that about my father. Or there must be something about this name thing. And of course, then you went on to share other wonderful things, but there really is something to the science, and you made be wondering listeners, just like I did. Okay. So wait a minute. I don't choose my name though. That's something that we don't feel like we have control over because we are given our given name when we're born and our parents do that job for us. So what if they get it wrong?
Sharón (31:59):
We don't because this is what happens when there were still only seven religions on the planet before I jokingly say they multiplied and divided and everybody made up their own <laugh> OK. <Laugh> and they all agreed on some basic concepts. And one of the concepts that they all agreed on was that the incoming soul impresses upon the one that's going to name them what we were gonna be called. So we actually name ourselves. Wow. And if the one that they're first impressing it on, I have some stories in my book. Know the name, know the person on how this worked. That there's one story in there that says that the child impressed it upon the mom. The mom got the middle name wrong. So she, so the child went to the dad and the and impressed upon the dad. And so both parents woke up and said, I think our kid came to us last night in our dreams and gave me the name. And so both went in separate rooms. So they went, I flew each other and wrote down the name. And one, the mom wrote down Joshua Jed and Diya. And the dad wrote down Joshua, Jeremiah. And then the dad said, well, you know, usually you get these things better than me. We'll go with Joshua, Jenna Diya. Well, two weeks. And they called him Joshua the whole way through. They hadn't had a sonogram. They didn't know it was a boy, but they had both received this masculine name. So anyway, two weeks before the child was born, the dad had another dream. And the dad said he wants to be Jeremiah. He does not wanna be a Jedediah. So they named him Joshua, Jeremiah. But that's not the end of the story before the kid was three. You're not talking to a child about how you gave him their name. You're not telling him those stories yet. Exactly, exactly. And mom was working and the dad was away on a business trip. Okay. And the mom was out at night and the, and the child came out, you know, and said in the middle of the night and the mom was startled because she hadn't heard her, you know, the child gets up and the mom says, oh, oh, oh, what can I do for you? You know, what do you need? And the child says, you almost got my name wrong. And the mom's going, what, what conversation are we having here? And so the child went on to explain that he had to go to the dad to make sure that he got the name that he wanted. And wow. Those kinds of stories. I have heard all around the world now how souls made sure that they got the name. They wanted kids when they were young, did something to literally validate it.
Staci (34:24):
Wow. I, I think for me in naming my, my six children, it was always the place where the father and the mother could agree. That was kind of what I used as the benchmark that I like. And you like it, so we're good. Right. I can't, I can't look back and say that I was actually in inspired, but they always come to you, which is interesting. Right. They do always come to you. If you're thinking about 'em and you start tossing 'em out. Right. And no, no, no, no, no. And then there's this agreement. So do you think that once the agreement between the two partners kind of happens that's and everybody feels good about it?
Sharón (34:58):
Some parents don't talk with each other about it, one just says, this is gonna be the name. And they go, okay. <Laugh> the other one says, okay. You know I know that for my own first grandchild the parents talked over and over again, cuz they could, they could decide on the two names, but couldn't decide on which one came first and which one came second, which was gonna be the middle.
Staci (35:21):
That's fascinating. I know my daughter who has also six children, she would tell me consistently it would just come to her in a dream and she would have the dream, and then she'd wake up and know the name. And that's what it was.
Tom (35:33):
So Sharón share with us, you know, your best ninja tips to use this incredible science, you know, specific to, our intimate relationships. What, what would you, what, how would you, you know, advise to use it?
Sharón (35:44):
So if you're in the first vowel of an a, if you help them do their work, they feel loved. So if you are in love with somebody who has the first vowel of an a pitch in help them get their work done, that's how they feel loved. Hmm. If you're in with the first vowel of an E and you love somebody with the first vowel of an E, touch them all the time, they are so physical, they need to be touched. You walk by, you put your hand on their shoulder. You, they come in the house, you greet 'em with a kiss. You know, you give 'em a hug. You, you touch them. They need to be touched to feel loved. If it's the first vowel of an I, you include them. You're walking out the door. You're gonna go bowling. You don't care that your spouse doesn't like bowling. You still say, honey, I'm gonna go bowling. Would you like to join us? You know, you always include them, honey. I'm gonna go to the store. Would you like to go with me or do you to get you anything? You always include. That's when they feel loved. Okay. If you have the first vowel of an O, you spend money on them and you bring them, treats that they're not expecting for no reason. And you are verbal. Oh honey. I love you. Oh, you are gorgeous. Oh, you're just so magnificent. Oh my gosh. I am so lucky to be married to you. You know? It's verbal. They need to hear it all the time. How much they are adored. Okay. So that's an, oh, if it's a first vowel of U, they love surprises. Now a lot of other vowels, don't like surprises, but U's love surprises. And it's where you taking me this time. So if you are married to a, U, if you could plan a weekend escape and simply tell them what kind of clothes to pack or pack for them, come home and say, honey, the suitcases are in the car. We're going away this weekend. I got the whole weekend planned. Oh my gosh. That person feels as oh, incredibly loved you. Even if it's simple, like, Hey, I've got a special evening planned for us. You take them to a play. You give them a new experience. They wanna be surprised. And it's something new, something different. It's getting out there. That's a U. U's love comedy clubs. That's one of their favorites guys. Interesting. [Inaudible]. Now, if it's a, Y they want unique experiences and unique gifts. So if something's handmade, if you went traveling and you saw something that you can't buy in the local store, bring it home. You know, something that's so different from everybody else or take them on a trip, take them on an adventure, plan it just, the planning of it gets them excited and they know that they're loved. So you could plan for six months and make that one trip good for six months of love, you know.
Staci (38:35):
That's a good super-tip, listeners. Right there. It's the planning, especially if you're with a Y.
Sharón (38:41):
So it's, it's literally if you know how the person you care about receives love, then you can provide love to them in the style that they understand they're being loved.
Staci (38:54):
Boy. Gary Chapman should have spoken with you before he wrote his five language book. That, that could've been an empowering combination. <Laugh>.
Tom (39:01):
I really like that though, is that's how they receive love.
Sharón (39:05):
It's not how we show love. It's how you receive love.
Staci (39:09):
Can you do the same thing and walk us through the communication, right? Nuances. You had said something, is it the second vowel.
Sharón (39:15):
Or third vowel? I'll make it really easy. This again is in the first vowel of the first name. That's this is such a powerful letter and placement that, and I have so many questions on it that after I'd written the first two books, the first one on how you can tell the personality and the second one on what your purpose is, how you can tell what your purpose is. I wrote a book just on the communications so out, and it's called, know the name, know how to connect. And it is free. You can have access to it free on my website. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> on knowthename.com any page, but the homepage go to where it says, get the access to the free book. They'll get the password. And you can go right in and read the thing.
Staci (39:52):
I decided to ask this question because we all think that communication is the number one challenge in our relationships. And it is, it plays a huge, huge role. So I thought, I remember you saying something earlier in our conversation about communication. I thought I wanna circle back around to that.
Sharón (40:05):
Well, it's so important and it all lays in that one vowel, there are only six vowels, so it's a short book, but it tells you how you receive love, how you send love what your communication, it's your partnership style. You know, some people are codependent, some people are independent, you know, how do they, how do they work? Some people are passive-aggressive. Do you know what your style is? All of that's sitting in that first vowel. So I wrote the whole book on just the first vowel. And I literally give you access to it for free because I think communication is so important.
Staci (40:37):
That's so cool. So, so talk to us about communication. What can we learn about the, is this the same vowel? So is this the same first vowel that tells me about my communication?
Sharón (40:45):
[Inaudible] The first thing. And if you have, and now I'm dyslexic. So I always have to think twice on this <laugh> but if you have an A an O or a Y you wanna get work done the business at hand, then you wanna play afterward. Okay. So don't waste their time with hi, how are you? They're already saying you're wasting my time. Get to the point. Okay. Don't give a lot of flowery, whatever. Just get to the point, get the work done. So then they can go play. Okay. That's an A an O or Y. So the other vowels, the U, the I and the E they need that hi, how are you? Did you sleep well last night? How's the family doing? They need 10 minutes of connection before you go, okay. I called you because, or I need this. And if you don't give them that 10 minutes of connection, they cannot hear you. And they won't get the work done because all day long, they'll be saying they didn't even ask how I was doing. She doesn't care. Why didn't she care? How did I hurt her? Do you know? And they will be so obsessed with how come I didn't get my connection first that they can't work. You either have to, I think telemarketers ought to notice if you're calling an A and O or Y it's, I'm calling to give you this deal. Cuz you can save this much at this time 20 seconds, get to the point. We'll decide. Yes or no. And we'll listen more, but if you start with hi, how are you? We already wanna hang up. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> you know, but if it's an E, I, or U, if they don't start with hi, how are you? They wanna hang up.
Tom (42:22):
And Sharón I just have to ask. So that's fascinating. So as you, you know, with your years of, of, of, you know, developing your mastery and deepen your mastery, have any of, have you had any surprises or, or it does it deep, just deepen and, and confirm what your original science pointed you to?
Sharón (42:37):
It just keeps adding to it. So for example, I started just figuring out the positive traits in the name. And then I had this job as a vice-principal at a high school and, and I'd always been an administrator like an academic Dean or a good guy, you know? And so I was always is doing the positive things and here I had to discipline the kids. Now discipline naturally came to me in a classroom because all my kids naturally behaved. You know, they just, they didn't get outta line. So now I was seeing all the underbelly. And so when I got through with that job, I thought, oh, there are letters in the name. Now I've got a lot of data on the challenging qualities. So then that came along and then after I figured out the personality ones, I thought, well, we ought to be able to tell why we're here. What's our purpose. There's gotta be spirituality hidden in the name too. So that became the second book. And like I said, I got woken up every morning at four o'clock and given hints and went on, this is why it took 15 years. It was like, oh my gosh, there's more. And the in. And then after that, the latest that I've been doing is on the health issues. So that book's gonna come out in a short amount of time. It's in the stages where it's getting proofread and suggestions made and you know, all that stuff from others so that it can be corrected before it, it goes out and gets formatted and whatnot. So we're, we're close. So, so that'll come out and that's literally the health issues that you inherited through DNA or that you can create for yourself. And my thinking is if you know your weakest link and you take care of your weakest link, your body will take care of the rest.
Staci (44:10):
Wow. That's, that's gonna be so empowering. And you know, the other thing that I'm, I, I know I'm fascinated every time I talk to you about what we can uncover about our names, that's just, and, and most of us, you know, what's interesting is we love our names. Most of us love our names or love to be called our names. Right. There's a Dale Carnegie quote that says the sweetest sound of a purse to a person is the sound of a person's name.
Sharón (44:35):
Yeah, that's chapter two, of, of how you know, of how to win friends and influence people.
Staci (44:40):
Yes. Yes. It's just, yes. And, and so there is always, if we think about it, something very intrinsic and near and dear to us about our name and I have a brother-in-law who uses name as an intro to creating connection and teaches workshops on how to remember people's names, ask them where it comes from, you know, the origin, you know the meaning etcetera. And you know, we've been at, out to dinner with him and we'll spend two hours talking to somebody just about their name. So, so this is a fascinating thing to dive a little bit deeper into it. And is it, is it tell me what the consonants mean again?
Sharón (00:45:15):
The consonants of your attitudes and your emotions are your vowels. And in speaking of talking on names that many people will call me and say, I'm pregnant, we're pregnant. And here's our group of names that we're thinking about. And I will simply say, this is what you're gonna get with this one. And this is what you're gonna get with this name. And this is how it's gonna be with this name or which ones are most compatible with you. But the thing is, I really prefer when a, when a chooses the name and then calls me because I can look at the name and see what this soul is all about and why this soul would pick those parents. So it's a great gift for pregnant people. You know, what is it that this soul wants to learn from each parent? Why would they pick you guys as parents? And then I also look the name and say, if we could swap out a letter in the spelling, we can make the same goal for the soul and make it easier to learn.
Staci (00:46:09):
Wow. And then that has impact actually on the child when they come into the world.
Sharón (00:46:13):
Exactly. Because every time you hear your name, you're hearing the vibration of that name and the corresponding aspects that go with that vibration are then what manifest.
Staci (00:46:24):
Wow. Okay.
Tom (00:46:26):
Well, now that we've all had our minds just completely blown by Sharón, Sharón, please share this has been incredible, but we'll have to have you back please share with us again where people can find more about you and your awesome body of work.
Sharón (00:46:39):
It's Know The Name because once you know the name, you know, everything the, or possibly can be, you're not meeting any strangers. And if you're in a place where you cannot write down the name of the website, just think when you get to a place where you can you think I need to know the name of that website and then you can go, oh yeah, that was it. Knowthename.com
Staci (00:46:56):
That's a great anchor.
Tom (00:46:57):
Knowthename.com. Sharón, thank you so much.
Staci (00:47:01):
Yes. It's been such a pleasure to have you here. You guys go get your free copy of that communication. It's always such a pleasure. Sharón, as I've already said, and I'm gonna say it again because I mean it, from the bottom of my heart, it's always such a pleasure to connect with you. And every time I do, I learn something new and every time I do, I just go, boom, right? My mind is blown and you might need to listen to this because she has given us a lots of value here. And because Sharón is very smart and starts with an S she talks very fast <laugh> and so you might need to listen to it, to kind of pick up everything that she shared. So don't hesitate to do that. Thank you so much. Sharón, we look forward to having you on the show. Again,
Sharón (00:47:40):
My pleasure. Thank you, Staci. Great to connect with you again. And it was great to meet you, Tom, and hello, Eric in the background.
Staci (00:47:48):
Eric the lover
Tom (00:47:49):
We're gonna take a quick break.
Staci (00:47:52):
We'll be right back.
Advertisement - Staci (00:48:04):
Hey babe, did you know that the average couple spends only two hours a day with each other? And the majority of that time is spent eating, watching TV and surfing social media rather than connecting with each other. And if children are involved, my gosh, it's even less time than that.
Advertisement - Tom (00:48:17):
I know, babe. That's why you created our conversation cards for connection, cuz they're the perfect conversation starter. So the next time you're sitting on the couch, rather than turning on the TV or grabbing your phone, pull out a card and get ready for some good old fashioned laughter and love and connection.
Advertisement - Staci (00:48:30):
Yeah, you can get your cards at Stacibartley.com.
Voiceover man (00:48:33):
Want to hear something different from talk radio, keep your dial on alternative talk 1150.
Tom (00:48:41):
Welcome inside the love shack. Tom and Staci Bartley. Whoo, man, my brain is still smoking, but we're gonna jump right into the [inaudible], see if we can kind of modulate that, that, that, that chemistry, if you will.
Staci (00:48:51):
That was incredible. I, absolutely incredible. Okay, so that was fun, but now we're gonna add more fun. Typically we kind of say, okay, let that sink in. We, I guess I need to say that again, but Hey, I have some really fun ideas for you. I think that we together as part of a love shack and in the privacy of your own home should create a month of the, or the blank of the month club. And what I mean by that is blank of the month club. That blank let's create a club where you and your special someone, you can have an experience of bringing in anything that you wanna learn more about or enjoy together and experience.
Tom (00:49:31):
So like a, like wine, a wine of the month?
Staci (00:49:32):
Yeah. You know, they have wine clubs, right? So yes, decide on a date and decide on some time where every month you can bring in the exploration of yes. I love your idea of wine. That's incredible. That's perfect. You try different wines from different places. And so you have a wine club of the month. There are some other ideas too. You might wanna explore. I mean, of course, you could do, you know, beer, different beer from all over hops and hop and they have all kinds right now. Whiskey, you know, but if we were to switch from the beverage right. To other places in life, thinking about, yeah, maybe the board game, if you and your partner wanna explore different [inaudible]
Tom (00:50:11):
How about a puzzle, puzzle of the month?
Staci (00:50:13):
Sure. Yeah. You could do a puzzle of the month, put it together enjoy it, and then get a new puzzle. It's part of the club for sure. What about takeout? You know, you could try different takeouts. That would be great thing. And you know, I mean, what about lingerie? You could do a lingerie club for the month, a different piece of lingerie that you get a pick out, or maybe you take turns picking it out. It's all part of the lingerie club of the month. And you know, you probably do a sex position of the month too. You could say, okay, we're gonna try this. Right. We're gonna try this. We're trying this. We're gonna, this is the day.
Tom (00:50:44):
Careful. Eric's got his hand on the button.
Staci (00:50:45):
No, he doesn't. You can do it with anything that you wanna explore and dive into and experience together. So go ahead, come on, choose and put together your club of the month.
Tom (00:50:57):
Good old novelty and play.
Staci (00:51:01):
Absolutely. And hey, on the first of every month we do a giveaway for people who are on our fun list. And if you aren't on our fun list right now, you should get on our fun list because we have a lot of fun there in addition to giveaway prices and gifts. And you can do that on our website. So gosh, let's come on over.
Tom (00:51:19):
Let's land this episode and you know how we do that. Like it, if you're a regular listener, you know, first of all, thank you so much. If you're a regular, listen, we really appreciate you spending time with us. It really means a lot to us. It really does.
Staci (00:51:28):
And we love to give you the feeling part too, of the conversation. And I have to tell you this, this, you know, song for this episode, this theme song kind of really to challenged me. I had to kind of sweat a little bit and roll up my sleeves and get after it.
Tom (00:51:40):
I could hear Staci swearing out in the room here last night, cuz that's when she always picked, you know, a lot of times it's a, but she picked it last night. I heard a lot of.
Staci (00:51:47):
Is that the S or the T part? Yeah. I'm not quite sure in the name, but anyway.
Tom (00:51:51):
It was kind of a battle.
Staci (00:51:53):
It was a battle. And I think I came up with something really good. It's a Alicia's key. Alicia's key. Alicia's
Tom (00:52:01):
Honey. Alicia. Alicia Keyes.
Staci (00:52:05):
I was saying with an [inaudible],
Tom (00:52:06):
You don't know, my name sounds pretty, pretty relevant to me.
Staci (00:52:09):
Yeah. It was really relevant. And when I listen to the song too, I love how she says we go round and round, right. Trying to connect because you don't know my name and she kept trying to give him her name. And I, I just thought that was kind of really fun. So check that out. You can check that song out on our website as well. We create a song for every single episode. So don't miss it. You can go back and see all the conversations.
Tom (00:52:32):
Maybe, you know, I've said, we've said this before, but maybe for this episode, listen to the song first to real, they get you in this place because there's a lot coming at you. I'm a quick, I'm a fast twitcher I've been told, but man, I'm telling you, wow, that was a lot coming at me. I was twitching fast.
Staci (00:52:49):
Yeah, yeah. Me too. And I, I was like, okay, repeat that, repeat that. And so, you know Sharón is brilliant, as you can tell. And it would be [inaudible] to check out her books and do deep dive. If this is something that fascinates you and that you wanna learn more about. And she's so generous with her time and her talents. And so go grab that free copy too. I can't highly recommend it. If anything, you know, this could be, you know, your club for the month.
Tom (00:53:13):
Let's look, let's dig into this whole name thing.
Staci (00:53:16):
Yeah, let's look and see what, you know, our, our strengths and our weakness and our health and, and our, our potential. It's just a fascinating science that every time blows my mind. So, right. I guess it's time for us to land this and to say goodbye once more. I it's such a fun time and a fun experience for Tom and I to be here with you. And thank you so much for listening in. And gosh, if this episode has touched you and you feel inspired to share it, I would invite you to help us spread the word by sharing this with your friends and your family and people that you feel like would benefit from the content and the conversations that we have here in the love shack. That would mean so much to us to help us spread the word or here to bring a little bit of love and make the world a little better place.
Tom (00:53:57):
Especially thanks to Sharón, she Sharón Wyeth. And I mean, just again, that was, that was really powerful, you know, would never have expected that.
Staci (00:54:08):
And if you have a conversation that you would like to have talked about here in the love shack and or a question that you would us to talk about and discuss that you're wrestling with currently in your relationships we'd love to hear from you. You can go ahead and post that on our website as well.
Tom (00:54:23):
Or you can reach out to us privately, just reach out to us at [email protected].
Staci (00:54:29):
And Eric what you think about all of that love for you to chime in, as we say goodbye? I didn't, I knew you were. I knew it. I absolutely knew it. Now I have the evidence to prove it. Does that ring true?
Eric (00:54:43):
Yeah, I can't really argue with that.
Tom (00:54:45):
Nicely said, sir.
Staci (00:54:48):
And the Renaissance man, too.
Tom (00:54:49):
Yeah, absolutely.
Eric (00:54:50):
I, I don't know about that, but you know, I, I try,
Staci (00:54:55):
We're gonna have to bring Sharón back on here and say, is this part of the E not, not, not wanting to kind of step in and say, yep. That's me. Boom.
Tom (00:55:05):
All right. Well, thank you so much, everybody. We will be here. Same time, same place next week, you know, grateful to be with you.
Staci (00:55:12):
Until we see you again, have a fabulous next week and get that monthly club going. You're gonna love it. I promise. I know it sounds kind of goofy on the front side, but you're gonna love it once you do it.
Tom (00:55:22):
We'll see you soon. Bye, bye now.
Outro (00:55:31):
Thanks for joining us today in the love shack, we hope you came away with something that made your toes tingle. To learn more about everything you heard on today's show, go to Stacibartley.com/podcast. Love the show. Help us spread the love by sharing the show with others. Okay. Everybody time to go. We gotta close the doors to the love shack for this week. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. Come back next week though, and join us. We're another edition of love shack live with Tom and Staci Bartley.
How many different ways have you attempted to understand yourself or your partner on a deeper level? I'm sure you've heard of the Meyers Briggs test, looked up your astrological sign, or read the 5 Love Languages? Checking to see if you're compatible with your partner or spouse is irresistible, isn't it? Assessments and quizzes have almost become an obsession to see if we can better comprehend our pasts, and also predict our futures...especially when it comes to love.
The truth is, we all want to understand ourselves and our partners better, but sometimes it's hard to know where to start.
Most people don't even think about their name as having any significance beyond what they are called and are unaware of the wealth of information their name holds. But, your name is actually an incredibly powerful tool that can be used to understand yourself and others better.
Sharón Lynn Wyeth has dedicated her life to studying names and she is here to share her knowledge with us. In this episode, she's going to reveal how your name can offer insights into your strengths, challenges, and the purpose of your life. You won't want to miss this!
This week in the Love Shack, we're interviewing Sharón Lynn Wyeth who is an internationally recognized name expert. We are talking all about how your name can share insights and details about a person's personality, health, life core lessons, and even expose how they love. Knowing the meaning and significance of your name can give you a deeper understanding of yourself and others.
I must admit, I was very skeptical at first. When Sharón and I finally connected, I quizzed her long and hard about her science, and then using my name, she told me things about myself I sensed but had never shared! Sharon then went on to share with me about my parents who have both died and left this earthly experience. This was very special for me. I was so moved, I just had to share it with you! Join us to witness her in action as she uncovers for us all the power and insights that are held within our names. It's simply astounding! Tune in to learn more!
After listening to this podcast episode, I promise you will want to know more about your own name and the names of those around you!
Sharón Wyeth created Neimology® Science, the study of the placement of the letters in a name, after 15 years of research. She has assisted many businesses and individuals in deciphering their name's strengths, challenges, and purposes in life. Wyeth is the founder of Neimology® Science, which is the study of the placement of letters within a name. She has written several best-selling books on the topic and is a frequent guest on both radio and television programs.

In this episode, we're covering several key topics about what your name says about you, including:
- How Sharón became an expert on names and how she came up with this system.
- Do we grow into our name or somehow do our parents have this good intuition on what to call us?
- How do our names say something about us as people
- How can understanding Neimology® Science help us create healthier relationships?
Listen in live Thursday at 1 pm PST/4 pm EST -- and don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode!
Links mentioned in show:
Get Sharón's third book here: https://knowthename.com/free-connect-e-book/
New Free Masterclass: The Simple 4-Step System to Save Your Marriage. Reserve your spot here.
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