Episode 76: How to Deal with the Emotional Pain of Love and Relationships

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Emotional pain is something that we all experience, but it's not always easy to understand.


We are often told from a young age that emotional pain is bad and should be avoided at all costs. But what if emotional pain can actually help us grow? What if there are ways for us to use our emotional pain to our advantage?


In this week's Love Shack, we are going to teach you how to deal with the emotional pain of love and relationships. We'll discuss why emotional pain is not something that we can avoid, how to find nuggets of gold from it, and we'll provide some tips for managing it in a healthy way. Stay tuned!


Hi! We are Staci & Tom Bartley and we help committed couples rescue their relationships so they can finally create long-lasting love without having to spend hours analyzing their past, beating themselves up, or feeling like they are making no progress. We do this via sharing our unique frameworks, teaching new tools and skills, one on one sessions, and through our signature courses Relationship Rescue and Love For A Lifetime.


We all experience emotional pain, especially when we experience it in our romantic relationships. But how are we supposed to manage it...and is that even possible? In this week's Love Shack, we're going to discuss how to stop feeling like your emotional pain is derailing your life. We'll also provide some tips and tricks for managing it in a more productive way. We have always had the capacity to do this, the problem is we have simply just never been taught how to effectively utilize our Human Navigation System.

What is emotional pain and why do we experience it in love and relationships.

Emotional pain is something that we experience when we feel hurt or sad. It can be caused by many different things, including loss, betrayal, or rejection. Emotional pain can be very difficult to manage, especially if it feels like it's overwhelming us.


One of the best ways to deal with emotional pain is to understand why we're experiencing it. Emotional pain is often a sign that something needs to change in our lives. It can be a warning sign that we're not taking care of ourselves or that we're in an unhealthy relationship. If we can understand the root cause of our emotional pain, we can start to make changes that will help us heal and feel better.

The different ways that emotional pain can manifest.

There are many different ways that emotional pain can manifest. It can be difficult to deal with, especially if we don't understand why we're feeling it. Some of the most common symptoms of emotional pain include:


  • Feeling sad or depressed
  • Feeling angry or frustrated
  • Feeling isolated or alone

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it's important to reach out for help. There are many ways to manage emotional pain, and there is no shame in seeking assistance.

How to find nuggets of gold from your emotional pain

One of the best ways to deal with emotional pain is to find nuggets of gold from it. This means looking for the positive aspects of the situation, even when it feels like everything is going wrong.


When we're experiencing emotional pain, it can be difficult to see the bright side of things. But if we can look for the silver lining, we can start to make progress.


Some of the ways that we can find nuggets of gold from our emotional pain include:


  • Looking for lessons that we can learn from the situation
  • Trying to find some meaning in what has happened
  • Seeing how the experience has made us stronger
  • Recognizing any positive changes that have come from the situation
  • Feeling grateful for what we have, even when it feels like everything is going wrong

It's important to remember that emotional pain is a normal part of life. It doesn't mean that we're weak or that we're doing something wrong. If we can learn to embrace our emotions and use them constructively, we can become stronger people.

In this week's Love Shack, we are going to teach you how to deal with the emotional pain of love and relationships.

While emotional pain may seem like a negative thing, it often serves as an early warning system. If you can accept the signs that your emotions are trying to communicate and use them constructively, they will actually make you stronger. The Love Shack is here to help with this process so that you not only manage but heal from your emotional pain too! Let's get started!

Links mentioned in show:

  1. Get on the book list so you can stay up to date here: lifetimeoflove.me
  2. How To Stop A Fight In 20-Seconds Or Less. Get Your Free Cheat Sheet Here.
  3. Relationship Check-up - tired of re-hashing your issues with your partner without making progress? Schedule your check-up today!
  4. Get on the fun list here.
  5. Check out our Love Shack Live Playlist for all the songs we play on the show.