Episode 55: What do paranormal events and romantic relationships have in common?

Come to find they have a lot in common according to Dr. Kristy Sumner, Founder of Soul Sisters Paranormal.
In 2014, Dr. Kristy Sumner coupled her passion for travel, history, and the paranormal when she formed Soul Sisters Paranormal, an all-female team, made up of Sumner, her two sisters, and two friends. As a team of 5 investigators, Soul Sisters Paranormal traveled to some of the most historic and, reportedly, haunted locations in the U.S. in an attempt to determine for themselves if spirit activity does exist and to highlight the rich history of each location The team traveled to and investigated at numerous US locations like The Lizzie Borden House.
Kristy says, often the more intense the emotional connections are, the more likely she and her team of Soul Sisters will find paranormal activity. What a great conversation for our Halloween Special inside the Love Shack, right?! Kristy will share the science behind the paranormal activity, and some of her first-hand accounts of intense emotional connections of paranormal discoveries. It’s time to kick your feet up, and join us in the Love Shack for a little Halloween Fun and hear Kristy’s stories and answer some questions.
In this episode, we're covering several key topics about how the paranormal and relationships are connected, including:
- How does a smart woman with a Ph.D. become interested in paranormal phenomena?
- What is the most haunted location that you have been to?
- How does emotional intensity create paranormal activity?
- Have you discovered any great love stories while doing paranormal research?
- Do you really believe in ghosts?
Have questions about love and relationships? Leave a message for us here: stacibartley.com/message
Links mentioned in show:
- Learn more about Kristy here: https://www.soulsistersparanormal.com/
- Get all the details for a Halloween Fun Date Night here: https://stacibartley.com/halloween-frolic/
- Learn how to stop a fight in 20-seconds or less? Get the cheatsheet here. stacibartley.com/stopfight
- Ready to restart your relationship? Join us!Â
- Relationship Check-up - tired of re-hashing your issues with your partner without making progress? Schedule your check-up today!
- Get on the fun list here.
- Check out our Love Shack Live Playlist for all the songs we play on the show.