#126: Removing the Shame: Let's Talk Openly About Mental Health in Relationships

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we have a special episode featuring David Woods Bartley, a mental health expert, and family member. In this episode, David shares his story of success and setbacks, from directing a nationally recognized nonprofit to battling depression caused by childhood sexual trauma. His journey led him to attempt suicide, but with the support of others and a focus on self-care, he moved from mental "hellness" to mental wellness.
One in five US adults experiences a mental health condition every year, and the suicide rate has increased by 35% since 1999. With 48 million people struggling with anxiety, 17% of youth experiencing a mental health condition, and an average delay of 11 years between the onset of a mental health illness and seeking help, it's crucial to talk about and seek help for mental health challenges.
David's mission is to shine a light on mental health crises, including suicide, male sexual trauma, and mental illness, and to remove the stigma around seeking help. He holds certifications in mental health first aid and is a member of the National Alliance of Mental Illness, the International Association for Youth Mental Health, and the National Storytelling Network. David's personal stories, including those involving animals, make him a phenomenal storyteller. Tune in to this episode for resources, comfort, and a new perspective on mental health.
Want to download our brand new consumer guide to getting help for your relationship?
Links mentioned in show:
- Learn more about David and his work here:Â https://www.davidwoodsbartley.com/
- Learn more about The Better Love Club! http://thebetterloveclub.com
- Get your copy of the book now!
- How To Stop A Fight In 20-Seconds Or Less. Get Your Free Cheat Sheet Here.
- Relationship Check-up - tired of re-hashing your issues with your partner without making progress? Schedule your check-up today!
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- Check out our Love Shack Live Playlist for all the songs we play on the show.