OK, I’m at the point where I don’t know if I can even HAVE a relationship. I seem to have done it all wrong up to this point. I spent time with men who clearly didn’t value me… "you talk too much" …. "you’re not social enough" …. "normally I don’t date women who aren’t athletic" …. "You’re the first person I ever asked out twice when it wasn’t based on looks" ...  "your conversation was banal, trite, and insipid"... I should have just left and told them to go find what they like. How can I short circuit these same mistakes again IF I should ever meet anyone else worth dating?

- Anonymous

I married the wrong guy. I was on the rebound and wasn’t in love. I tried to make it work for over 10 years but it didn’t. Then I spent 20 years after that “settling” and trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. I told myself “no one is perfect and all relationships take a lot of work”.  But I see that not ALL relationships are a struggle. So how do I keep from settling, yet again?

- Anonymous

I admit it. I’m just crabby now. I put a lot of time and effort into relationships—“trying”, having long, involved discussions hoping to “convince” the person du jour to be in love with me. Sometimes I think the people I spent time with were narcissists or even sociopaths but we didn’t have a lot of information about that at the time. I’m afraid I’ll meet another one because I’m kind of a soft touch and they seem to be drawn to people like us. What should I be looking for? Are there any tests I can do to avoid another disaster?

- Anonymous

I seem to have attracted men who DO NOT LISTEN. I will tell them something about my day and in three minutes they are asking me a question about what I just told them. No, Alzheimer’s is NOT the problem.  I can’t “MAKE” someone engage. Am I just boring and dull?

- Anonymous

I am actually with someone now but it seems we’ve just settled in and there isn’t much spark. I am not excited to see him and he’s not excited to see me. Did we just pick wrong?

- Anonymous

It’s impossible to find true love if you’re older. We all have too much baggage, don’t look that great, and have performance issues. I know there are exceptions but my friends and I don’t seem to be those exceptions. As an older woman, I’ve become totally invisible. No one even looks unless they’re about 90 years old!

- Anonymous