Episode 35: Curious when to get help with common relationship issues?

When you’re struggling in your relationship, how do you know when to work harder, and when to let go? This is the dilemma I have personally been in (multiple times) and this is also the place where most of my clients seek me out.
When you're in this place, there are so many perspectives and opinions depending on who you talk to. You’ll hear one thing from your church leader, another from your parents, and something else from your close friends. Then, when you begin your Google searches, all the possible well-intended advice you’ll get there is sure to leave you feeling more uncertain than when you asked your very first question. “Should I stay, or should I go?”
This cocktail is ripe for paralysis. The main ingredient being emotional overwhelm, mixed with a splash of anxiety about your future, and a dose of the daunting pain you have been attempting to ignore for a while now. We call this metaphoric cocktail: STUCK!
This week in the Love Shack, we are going to explore how to know when it’s time to get help, and also some empowering ways to get unstuck. We promise this is not just more advice. This episode is about helping you come to your own answers. I mean after all, when we make a big decision like choosing to stay or end a relationship, you have to make sure the answers are best for you. Not your therapist, your pastor, or your friends and family because it is YOU that will live with the choices. Not anyone else.
In this episode, we're covering several key topics about how to know when it’s time to get help with common relationship problems, including:
- The most common relationship problems I see my clients struggling with.
- How we find ourselves stuck in our relationships.
- How to know if you’re experiencing a breakthrough to a new chapter or you’re in breakdown mode.
- What to do if you want to work on your relationship but your partner isn’t interested in coaching or counseling?
- Simple (perhaps not easy, but doable) steps you can take right now that will support you in taking your next best step in your relationship, regardless of your choice.
After all, it really does need to be YOUR choice! The one that is best for you and your family.
Have questions about love and relationships? Leave a message for us here: stacibarttey.com/message
Links mentioned in show:
- Ready to restart your relationship? Join us!
- Relationship Check-up - tired of re-hashing your issues with your partner without making progress? Schedule your check-up today!
- Get on the fun list here.
- Check out our Love Shack Live Playlist for all the songs we play on the show.