Emotional Needs: How To Best Get Them Met In Your Relationship

Do you ever get frustrated your partner can't read your mind? Sometimes do you even find yourself getting angry because they didn't do something you really wanted? But then you realize you never actually voiced your emotional needs...
This week on Love Shack Live, we are busting some myths! Like:
- Why do we consider having to ask our partners for what we want and need a negative thing?
- Who told us that if we have to tell our partners exactly what we need, our relationship must be defective?
- How can our partners love us best if we've never told them what makes us feel most loved?
The truth is, voicing your emotional needs is one of your most important jobs as a partner in a healthy relationship. Because NONE of us are mind readers. So, it's time for us to learn exactly how we can get our needs met.
Join Tom & me in the Love Shack where we’ll be sharing the essential things you need to know about asking for what you want in your relationship.
Have questions about love and relationships? You can call us live during the show (Thursdays 1 p.m. PT) at 425-373-5527 or text your questions here: 601-207-0080.
In this episode we cover several key topics to help you get your emotional needs met, including:
- How to ask for what you want completely, instead of merely what you think you can get or deserve;
- Exactly what words to use when you're voicing your needs;
- The timing and skills that are necessary to ask for what you want; and
- How to harness this crucial skill in your relationship, not only because you deserve what you want to be happy, but that it goes much deeper than that.
Ready to Reset your Relationship in 5 Days Flat? Join us from March 8-12. Register now!
Links mentioned in show:
- Miss our past episodes? Check them all out here.
- Fairy Dust - the #1 thing I teach my VIP clients to stop arguments in their tracks.
- Relationship Check-up - tired of re-hashing your issues with your partner without making progress? Schedule your check-up today!
- The song we played during the episode was: KEM: Say Something Real